Ms. Etsuko Nakano
OISCA International is a non-governmental international organization established in 1961. We aim to create a world where all peoples cooperate, overcoming various differences, protecting and restoring the foundation for all living forms to flourish on Earth. OISCA International is observing its 60th anniversary in 2021.
OISCA Japan Chapter is now implementing projects based on the philosophy of OISCA International. It operates projects for rural development, young people’s capacity development, and environmental conservation and restoration mainly in Asia and the Pacific. The capacity development of young people is the crucial task that OISCA continues to tackle. We operate training centers in Japan and outside of Japan. Our trainee graduates engage in rural development work with confidence.
OISCA International is an organization to promote the OISCA Movement. Its chapters should encourage trainee graduates and introduce the OISCA’s values and ideas widely. The pandemic is preventing us from grappling with all tasks that we need to tackle. Nevertheless, OISCA chapters now seriously think about what they can take up and how effectively they can expand the Movement. I am very grateful to you for your dedication and determination.
The late former President often emphasized the importance of altruism. Today leading economists and thinkers in the world argue that humankind might have been taking a wrong development course; we may need to realize a meaningful transformation to achieve a genuinely sustainable future. Human beings have the potential to hold an altruistic spirit. We must endeavor to strengthen the foundation of humankind’s intrinsic nature, based on which we should pursue a new paradigm for economic development. Altruism is caring about the needs and happiness of other people more than your own. Each one cares about others; then the society will reward you in return. The altruistic attitude is the basic principle to promote cooperation overcoming national boundaries and cultural differences to create a sustainable future. We can make this a shared belief.
“Furusato” movement is a big theme of the OISCA. Your “Furusato” is your home – your respective villages, towns, and countries. For all humankind, Mother Earth is our “Furusato”. Each one of us was given birth in “Furusato” and is enabled to live. We recognize this fact of being encouraged to live and feel appreciative that we have life and live in Mother Nature. Feeling appreciation, we repay that by working to restore rich and unpolluted nature for future generations.
The founder taught us the Great Education of Agriculture. He stressed the importance of agriculture. Agriculture is an essential industry to support life and enable us to survive. Through agriculture, we can realize the graces from the Universe. We can develop a feeling of appreciation for what is given by the Universe.
Our motto is Not Dissociated from Earth. We work to create a world where all living beings can live out their allotted life span. That is OISCA International’s basic philosophy, by which we devote ourselves to the education of the young generation.
With different ethnicities, nationalities, embracing various faiths, we are all humans. We can cooperate in creating a future with rich nature on Earth.
I would appreciate your cooperation, services, and participation in our Movement as you have done till today. Last but not least, I pray for your success and wellbeing. Thank you.
Dr. Nakano Y. Yoshiko
( March 26, 1933 – September 11, 2020)

Dr. Nakano Y. Yoshiko
Stay and Live in Harmony with Soil – the basic institutional framework of OISCA-International- While the nature and surroundings of “Furusato” – hometown – are only a small portion of “Mother Earth”- planet , I believe that calling for the protection of “Furusato”, by respecting and loving its nature, would lead to a broader movement to love and protect “Mother Earth”. I also believe strongly that the people of the world would come to respect the richness of life of our “Mother Earth” when they become more respectful to other cultures and learning about each other’s soil, land, “Furusato” and homeland. In order to sustain the richness of life of our Mother Earth – planet for future generations, OISCA has been engaged in tree planting activities that naturally can lead to enrich our Mother Planet’s life, based on our firm belief that such actions also lead to love “Furusato” and love neighbors, praying such love will spread around the Mother Planet and beyond her to the greater Universe, the ultimate “Furusato” for all living beings. Nakano Y. Yoshiko