OISCA Japan Promotes Partnership with a Unique Company “ZENSHO”
OISCA Japan is promoting partnership with a unique business company: ZENSHO, Co. This company was es...
The Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) of the World Food Program
The Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) of the World Food Program The constructed rainwa...
45,000USD or 5 million JPY Fund Raising Campaign from July 1- September 30, 2021 to Help the People of Myanmar
Jul 10, 2021 More than four months after the political upheaval in Myanmar, the UN Agencies have war...
Speech Contest on Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation to commemorate OISCA International’s 60th Anniversary
May 21, 2021 Speech Contest on Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation to commemorate OISCA Int...
Promotion of High-Quality Pig Breeds in Yesagyo Township
Promotion of High-Quality Pig Breeds in Yesagyo Township Year Started 2018 Name of Country Director ...
DOA-OISCA Agriculture and Rural Development Training Center
DOA-OISCA Agriculture and Rural Development Training Center Women trainees learning the actual proce...