Dr. Nakano Yoshiko, OISCA International President, dies at 87

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Sep 18, 2020

With heavy hearts, OISCA International regrets to announce that our president, Dr. Nakano Yoshiko, passed away at 12:11 PM on September 11, 2020 at the age of 87. A funeral was held for her in Shizuoka.

OISCA Tokyo Headquarters intends to organize a gathering to remember her when corona pandemic subsides, and all people can travel beyond their boarders.

Dr. Nakano was born in 1933 in Kyoto, Japan. From 1974-2020, she served as the president of OISCA International and devoted her time and energy to advancing action-oriented development. She led the organization`s effort to empower future leaders across the world.

Dr. Nakano was a recipient of several international awards and recognition, including the United Nations Earth Summit Award Towards Global Sustainability and the Orders of the Rising Sun from the Government of Japan.


Dr. Nakano Yoshiko