A step towards saving sparrows by CFP schools, North India

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On 21 March, 2022, CFP school – Savitri Bai Phule Balika Inter College , Greater Noida, State of Uttar Pradesh organized an activity of nest making under the guidance of environmentalist Mr. Rakesh Khatri – Nest Man of India.* urged students to make space for birds in your home and also in your heart.

Students and teachers actively participated in activity and the around 100 nests were hung around the huge school campus.

*Mr. Rakesh Khatri – Sparrow Conservationists has his name in the LIMCA Book of Records for conducting the highest number of workshops on making nests throughout India.

He has conducted webinar during the Covid 19 lockdown on how to make artificial nests for small birds as sparrows. He has also urged people to make bamboo nests and install at various places.
Around 50 CFP schools from Noida, Agra and Meeurt observed World Sparrow Day on 21 March, 2022. Around 300 nests were made and were also installed at various places in the communities.

World Sparrow Day ( 20 Mar.)
The first World Sparrow Day was celebrated on 20 March 2010. After that, every year this day is celebrated all over the world to raise awareness about house sparrows and other common birds affected by the environment. The Nature Forever Society (NFS) in India started an international initiative to celebrate World Sparrow Day. 
On March 20 every year, people observe World Sparrow Day in order to create awareness about the conservation of Sparrows  and their decreasing numbers. In the past few decades, the numbers of sparrows have gone done and now it is hard to find a single bird chirping outside the house. To address this issue, the National Forever Society India, in collaboration with the Eco-Sys Action Foundation, started World Sparrow Day as a Global Initiative.
World Sparrow Day is celebrated to protect and conserve the bird which is now on the verge of extinction. The day also aims to bring together people who share their love for sparrows and admire the beauty. House sparrows were a common sight and were easily found in the backyard of our houses. But over the last few years, as we lost touch with nature and biodiversity, it became a difficult task to spot the common house sparrows in the city.
The other reasons for their decreasing numbers are pollutions, urbanizations , match box style buildings,

World Sparrow Day 2022 theme
The theme for World Sparrows Day this year is ‘I Love Sparrows’. The theme is inspired by the hope that more and more people will come forward to celebrate the bond that humans have had with sparrows in the past. The theme also helps in highlighting how people from different walks of life are coming together to do more for nature and protect birds and species that are now on the verge of extinction.
Planting native trees and artificial nests is a way to  revive this species.