Project Launched to Support Livelihood Improvement in the Ganges River Basin

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Mr. Akira Morita(second from left), Director of International Cooperation Division, OISCA, interviewing village leaders

Regarding the Project to Support Sustainable Livelihood Improvement through Dissemination of Symbiotic Agricultural Technology” in Ganges River Basin Villages, India, adopted for JICA’s technical cooperation grassroots projects in FY 2019, after a period of stagnation due to the Corona virus disaster, negotiations with the Indian Government were completed and activities started in October 2023.

  Following this, from 2-9 December 2023, two OISCA HQ staff members in charge of the project and two experts travelled to India to conduct a survey. The project aims to introduce and disseminate organic cultivation techniques using bamboo charcoal, and this time the focus was on research on bamboo charcoal, which is the basis of the project.

  There were concerns about blanks due to the Corona virus disaster, but with the cooperation of the local forestry department, they were able to conduct sufficient surveys in the three target villages, giving momentum to the project’s promotion over the next four years.