The MoA was signed by Secretary Prospero J. Alcala of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Brother Armin A. Luistro FSC of the Department of Education (DepEd), Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje of the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Executive Director Joselito C. De Vera of Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) and Secretary-General Yasuaki Nagaishi of OISCA International.
OISCA Philippines, as one of the pioneer OISCA national chapters which implements CFP activities has been working on the promotion of environmental conservation and protection involving the school children. The students are educated and gain deeper understanding on the need to address the problem of environmental destruction from the series of seminar workshops, nature camps and actual hands-on tree planting organized by OISCA within and outside the CFP school premises.
More than two decades since the initial stage of CFP in the Philippines, OISCA is continuously adopting innovative strategies and widening the scope covered to reach out and further inculcate to the hearts and minds of the students the importance and the roles that they need to perform to have a healthy and sound environment to live in. This is manifested on the promotion of sustainable agriculture (school gardening using compost) in the CFP program and thus the incorporation of the Department of Agriculture in the CFP`s MoA.
Since 1991, OISCA has introduce CFP in the 34 provinces of the Philippines and managed to establish mini-forests in 1,090 schools.