Oct 7, 2014
OISCA International organized series of events held at the House of Representatives First Members` Office Building in Tokyo on October 6 to celebrate the organization`s foundation day and to commemorate Japan`s International Cooperation Day.
The 41st Tokyo Forum, a luncheon meeting was organized for the purpose of establishing and strengthening the collaboration among the diplomats who have attended the event. These include the Ambassadors from Bangladesh, Fiji, Maldives, Palau and Tonga as well as the representatives of the diplomatic missions from Ethiopia, Fiji, Indonesia, India, Thailand and Uruguay.
As Dr. Yoshiko Nakano, President of OISCA International officially opened the proceedings; she mentioned that the spirit of altruism is the cornerstone of international cooperation. “As we are living under the same sky, we must develop a sense of concern for the welfare of others despite the cultural differences, race and religion”, were the words of President Nakano.
After the speech of the President and the presentation of OISCA activities, H.E. Mr. Isikeli U. Mataitoga, Ambassador of Fiji expressed his interest in creating a framework of engagement with OISCA. “Fiji, as an island country is susceptible to various disasters and the activities of OISCA International are very helpful in mitigating these disasters”, was the statement of Ambassador Mataitoga.
“In a world where everything is interconnected, in pursuit of economic growth sometimes led to forgetting of something more important” was the comment of Ambassador Masud Bin Momen of Bangladesh Embassy during the open discussion.
Meanwhile, Mr. Pema Gyalpo showed among the 270 members and supporters of OISCA projects as well as the Japanese Congressmen the slides about the several regional blocks in Asia and its international links.
On the other hand, four Congressmen who have visited the OISCA projects in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Philippines were given 10 minutes of time to express their observations and opinions about the project.
A reception was organized and joined by the members of the “Association of Japanese Diet Members Supporting OISCA International Activities” and graced by Minister Ishiba Shigeru, in charge of Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan Minister of State for the National Strategic Special Zones.