OISCA Japan with its Japanese staffs and four former OB trainees who are working in Chubu, Shikoku, Kansai Training Center and Tokyo Headquarters promoted the activities of OISCA International especially the Children Forest Program and emphasized the connection and importance of doing environmental activities involving the school children not only in Japan but also in other countries. This has been made possible through powerpoint presentations supplemented by the panels and exhibition of greeting cards and posters made by the CFP students.
The highlight of the two day event is the presentation of every school participants of their activities and recent development of their own respective school forests. This way, the participants will learn from each other. The Gakkorin Summit was culminated by the four hours nature walk with the guidance of the Chubu Shinri Kanri Kyou (Chubu Regional Forest Office) staffs and Yamaboushi Nature School staffs, OISCA and other members of the committee in Utsukushigahara (beautiful field), a plateau situated in 2,000 meters elevation. Through this activity, the participants especially the students learn the importance of biodiversity, the interrelationship of living and non-living things and the importance of native species protection. It paved the opportunity for the students to be exposed, to experience, and explore nature in its own grandeur.