On November 12 and 13, a cyclical program was carried out in Hayakawa Town, Yamanashi Prefecture, co-hosted by “Yamanashi Water Resources Brand Promotion Council” (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) for which OISCA serves as the secretariat and Totolab Inc. This is an event where participants learn about and experience the benefits of forestry and forests through hand-on activities while enjoying the rich natural environment of Hayakawa Town, a participating member of the Council. By involving the local community in multiple aspects of the program, including lodging and transportation, it also aims to communicate the appeal of Hayakawa Town, rediscover and create new values, and broaden the use of the blessings of the forest, as well as to bring benefits to both participants and the town.
Nine persons participated in this first-ever program, which included two-days of forest walks and forestry experience. They learned that Japan’s forests are not being thinned properly, which is necessary, and that the country is facing challenges in terms of promoting the use of timber. They also enjoyed the bounty of the forest by experiencing distillation to extract aromatic scents from the collected branches and leaves. Participants commented that they were able to experience nature through all five senses and felt more inclined to support the town of Hayakawa Town for providing them this experience.
We plan to further adjust and develop the content of the program and continue to implement it in the future.