Sep 17, 2014
On the 16th and 17th of July, OISCA Sukabumi Training Center organized the annual end of evaluation meeting spearheaded by Yutaka Nakagaki. Held at the Sukabumi Training Center with the complete attendance from the entire staff, the evaluation meeting is conducted after a batch of regular trainees ends their 9-month training program.
Basically, the purpose of the two day event is to identify the deficiencies in the training mechanism and how to amend them for the betterment of the next batch of trainees. The discussed topics were based on the list of impressions/critics and recommendations written by the 32nd batch of trainees who just recently graduated.
Recommendations include the content of the training program, improvement of facilities and equipment, the development of staff`s synergy and the training per se. Plans were also made on the training activities for the next batch of trainees including the students who are required to undergo practicum in agriculture from vocational high schools and universities.
Meanwhile, the second day of the training was assigned for the Training of Trainers (TOT). Professor Eris Juliansyah of PGRI Sukabumi College of Economics talked about entrepreneurship and how to manage a business venture during spare time. The subject is proven to be of interest among the staff as it helps in widening their perception and knowledge. The knowledge and technical know-how that they have learned from the training will be transferred to the trainees. In the long run, it will help in the empowerment of the village residents.
The training center management is expecting that the result of the meeting could provide the new trainees a higher quality kind of learning experience.