OISCA, awarded by Miyagi Prefectural Government for Promotion of Forestation

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22 November, 2024

On November 22, OISCA, together with the Association for the Restauration of Coastal Forest in Natori City and 3 other public organization and private companies, were awarded by the Miyagi Prefectural Government for contribution to the promotion of forestation and the timber industry.

   In the awards ceremony held at the Miyagi Prefectural Government Office in Sendai,Mr. Hirose Michio, OISCA Vice-Chairman of the Board, received the award presented by Mr. Norimitsu Kobayashi, Vice-Governor of the prefecture.

   Immediately following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster that inflicted devastating damage to the coastal area in March 2011, OISCA, in cooperation with the Association for the Restauration of Coastal Forest in Natori City, launched a project to re-forest the badly damaged Natori coastal forest. In the first and second phases of the 10-year plan (2011-2023), a total of 370,198 black pine trees and broadleaf trees were planted over the targeted site of 100 hectares.

   The Association for the Restauration of Coastal Forest in Natori City is an organization formed by the disaster-affected local residents, mostly farmers, and has been cooperation with OISCA in carrying out various activities on site from the production of black pine seedlings for planting to the maintenance of the planted area.

   OISCA and the Association were highly regarded for their significant contribution to the restauration and promotion of coastal disaster prevention forests, as well as the creation of local employment numbering more than 10,000 persons related to the coastal forest development while mobilizing 10,000 volunteers from across the country.

Mr. Hirose Michio, OISCA Vice Chairman of the Board, received the award from
Miyagi Prefecture Vice-Governor Kobayashi
Certificate of Award presented to OISCA
Representatives of OISCA and the Association for the Restauration of Coastal Forest
In Natori City
Awardees making speeches in the award ceremony