OISCA International Board of Directors Meeting 2024 held

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9 October, 2024

Despite the continuous rainy weather outside, the 2024 OISCA International Board of Directors Meeting had an enthusiastic number of 79 delegates and observers from 11 countries and areas and members of the OISCA Secretariat. It was held on October 9 at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center International Conference Room in Tokyo. After singing the Japanese National Anthem in unison, the attendees united their voices in the OISCA theme song (INOCHI KAGAYAKE, which translates to ‘Shine, Life’). This song, a powerful symbol of OISCA’s commitment to environmental sustainability and international cooperation, was a fitting start to the meeting. Mr. Kitsuki Fumio Secretary General of OISACA International, then declared the meeting open. The attendees were introduced individually following a silent prayer for all the victims of the international armed conflicts and natural disasters that have plagued the world.

Then, Mr. Nagaishi Yasuaki and Mr. Alok Narain Sinha, Vice Presidents of OISCA International, were selected chairpersons.

Ms. Nakano Etsuko, OISCA International President, presented her keynote speech. She said the world is confronted with severe issues – abnormal weather and long-lasting armed conflicts. Natural disasters are plaguing practically all areas of the world, probably due to climate change. She sincerely hoped that world leaders would realize as soon as possible that we have no more time and cannot afford to spend precious time fighting among humans.

She then cited the statement of Mr. Uenumra Naomi, who first climbed the summit of Mt. Everest in 1970 as a Japanese climber. He said, “Nature is irreplaceable for human life. Humans going against Nature will never overcome Nature.” Though some people called him a challenger against Nature, Mr. Uemura always tried to be in harmony with Nature.

She introduced the activities of an OISCA agricultural development team dispatched to Jammu and Kashmir, India, over half a century ago. The team, consisting of Japanese agricultural specialists, was tasked with implementing sustainable farming practices and promoting environmental conservation in the region. Ms. Nakano also shared personal observations by Prof. Pauteau, who lived with the group in the same staff quarters, providing a unique perspective on their work.

Ms. Nakano emphasized that OISCANs of any age and country embrace unswerving values that transcend generations and national boundaries. We must maintain our principles in educating youth, a spirit of service, and, more importantly, gratitude, empathy, and thoughtfulness for others.

She mentioned that last August 24, Ms. Astrid Schomaker, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat, visited the OISCA Headquarters. In discussions with the OISCA leaders, Ms. Schomaker expressed her deep appreciation for OISCA’s impactful collaboration with the CBD. She was impressed with the foresight of the OISCA Founder, Rev Nakano, 60 years ago. In the next general meeting of the CBD to be held in Cali, Colombia, in November, harmonizing human life with Nature and promoting spiritual culture will be discussed. Ms. Nakano revealed her request that OISCA Mexico, representing OISCA International, would take part in the CBD Cali Meeting.

Afterward, in a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Kitsuki Fumio, OISCA International Secretary-General, delivered an overview of OISCA activities over the past year. He introduced, among other things, that Ambassador Rodney Perera of Sri Lanka led a group of resident Sri Lankans in person to help the January 2024 earthquake victims in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture. They provided Sri Lankan dishes and rice from OISCA Hamamatsu High School. He also reported on the visit to Japan in August by a delegation from Nueva Vizcaya State University, Philippines, who expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Gotemba City’s Mayor Masami Katsumata for the city’s valuable contributions to the province’s development. Former Mayor Katsumi Suzuki donated 50 seedlings of Onshu mandarin oranges. Today, the province is referred to as the “Citrus Capital of the Philippines, accounting for 43% of the total citrus production in the country. He also mentioned the present state of capacity building, rural development, environmental conservation, children’s forest program, coastal forest restoration project in Miyagi Prefecture, Mt Fuji Forest Restoration Project, and so on.

The meeting moved to the next agenda item: a report on case studies of projects. First, Mr. Morita Akira, managing director and director of the International Cooperation Division of OISCA Japan, elaborated on the Project to Support Sustainable Livelihood Improvement in India’s Ganges River Basin area. On his part, Dr. Togashi Satoshi discussed the Project to Prevent Desertification in the Aral Sea area, Uzbekistan.

Before recessing for a coffee break, five new chapters (4 in South India and 1 in the Philippines) were approved. Also, the board members who will serve the following term (2025-2026) were approved.

After the coffee break, the participating chapters and OISCA specialized agencies (Hong Kong, North India, South India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, OISCA College, Malaysia-Sabah) presented their reports in the session. The noteworthy of these presentations was the unique activities of the OISCA trainee alum group in Sabah State, Malaysia. The group was formed to take care of Sabah’s ex-trainees. The present number of members is 300 plus. But they are still trying to locate the remaining

1,000 ex-trainees. They carry out activities in close cooperation with the federal and state governments. All the participants were strongly encouraged by a cheerful call to action by the Sabah presenter: “OISCA Spirit,” and then “Yes,” “Yes,” “Yes.”

In the last session, the participants discussed the “Greater Asia and Pacific Rim Strategic Partnership Initiative,” a topic proposed by Mr. Nagaishi, Vice President of OISCA International. The delegates made various comments and suggestions from Mexico, North India, South India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, etc. The notable one was a suggestion by Mr. Maranon of the OISCA Philippines. He proposed that given advanced technology development, why not set up OISCA common sharing online? Mr. Nagaishi responded that it was a good idea and that the OISCA secretariat would work out this idea, emphasizing the importance and potential impact of the strategic partnership initiative.

Before closing the meeting, Chairperson Nagaishi made a general overview of the discussions. The meeting was fruitful, concluding with a new perspective for future action. In the evening, a get-together was held in memory of the late Mr. Nakano Toshihiro, former executive vice president of OISCA, who passed away last July. In addition to the 79 delegates and observers who participated in the Board of Directors meeting, some 100 guests who were close friends with Mr. Nakano attended.

OISCA International Board of Directors and observers participated in the meeting
Group photo session of the International Board of Directors   They pledged to reconvene next year
International Board Directors of national chapters reported on their initiatives
A former OISCA trainee from Sabah State, Malaysia, presenting their activities