8 November, 2024
From November 8 to 12, 3-member delegation led by Ms. Jamilah Ariffin, General Manager of the Agricultural Development Agency (KPD), Sabah State of Malaysia, came over to Japan and visited the OISCA Headquarters, Nishi-Nippon Training Center, and Japanese companies that are OISCA members.
OISCA has been developing human resources through agriculture in Sabah State, Malaysia since the 1970s, and the local training center is operated in collaboration with KPD. Currently, local staff members who studied at the OISCA training centers in Japan are working there as agriculture instructors, cattle raising, and food processing. The group’s visit to Japan was made possible by visits to the local KPD office by officials from OISCA headquarters and national centers in January and August of this year.
The Sabah delegation first visited OISCA’s headquarters office in Tokyo, where they met with OISCA International President Etsuko Nakano and other leaders to exchange views on the efforts of the local training center and business collaboration in Sabah.
The group then moved to the Nishi-Nippon Training Center in Fukuoka Prefecture, where on November 9 they participated in the 16th OISCA Harvest Thanksgiving Festival, enjoying the international flavor of the event, and made a tour of the training center.
The group then visited OISCA member company that makes agricultural machinery and other companies to observe the current state of Japan’s agricultural sector.
After the visit to Japan, Ms. Jamilah Ariffin, KPD General Manager, commented, “Through this visit, we were able to have a meaningful exchange of views on the sustainable cooperation between OISCA Japan and KPD in the future. We were also impressed by the efforts and enthusiasm of the OISCA training center and member companies in Japan”.

Enjoyed Harvest Thanksgiving Festival