January 27-28, 2023
As a part of environment awareness program, OISCA North India organized two Nature Tours on January 27 for students from Agra Public School and on January 28 for Andrew’s Public School, respectively. Both schools are taking part in the Children Forest Program (CFP) since 2010 and are CFP model schools.
About 82 students and 10 teachers from Agra Public School and 81 students and 8 teachers from St. Andrew’s Public School participated in the Nature Tours.
The main objective of the Tours was to raise awareness among students about the bio diversity of India and how they can contribute to conserve the diversity of the life form.
The students were taken to Taj Nature walk in Agra. Mrs. Seema Dhingra, Environmentalist, and Mr. Pramod, expert in environment education, accompanied tours as resources persons. The resources persons explained the importance of bio diversity saying that the Mother Earth is the home for various species and a place where they can coexist.
The highlights of the lecture were the following points:
- Over one million species are on the verge of extinction.
- Bio diversity helps in sustaining the food web in the eco system
- Bio diversity exists on land and also under water.
- May 22 is the International Day for the Biological Diversity to promote biodiversity on the global platform.
- Climate change and natural disaster can be bridged only by preserving bio diversity.
They enumerated a series of simple measures to conserve biodiversity, including preventing cutting of trees, putting a ban on hunting animals and using jute, paper and cloth bags instead of plastic bags, promoting recycle, reuse, and reduce, etc.
All the participating students were given a certificate of participations.