16 Foreign Dignitaries and Two Japanese Diet Members Attended the OISCA`s 40th Tokyo Forum

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Mar 13, 2014

With an objective to create, establish and strengthen the network among the 14 foreign dignitaries from the 13 countries where OISCA International operates led by Papua New Guinea Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Gabriel J.K. Dusava CBE, OISCA organized the 40th Tokyo Forum on March 12 at the House of the Representatives in Tokyo, Japan.

The forum was graced by Hon. Mr. Shigeru Ishiba, Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan who is also the Chairman of the Association of the Japanese Diet Members Supporting OISCA and Hon. Mr. Asahiko Mihara, House of Representative`s member and the Secretary-General of the Association of Japanese Diet Members Supporting OISCA.

“There is a need to go back to the basics-go back to the youth and restore the value of good earth”, was the statement of H.E. Mr. Francis Marir Matsutaro, Ambassador of the Republic of Palau during the one hour group discussion, just right after the discussion about OISCA activities through the brief speeches of Hon. Mr. Shigeru Ishiba, Hon. Mr. Asahiko Mihara and Dr. Yoshiko Y. Nakano, OISCA President as well as the slides presentation of Ms. Angela Marie Tayco.

Ambassador Matsutaro also mentioned that living in an island country like Palau, they are very vulnerable from natural disasters. After learning about the reforestation activities of OISCA Japan in the area hit by tsunami in Tohoku Region, he said that he learned a lot from the disaster mitigating actions of Japan.

Meanwhile, H.E. Mr. Ahmed Khaleel, Ambassador of Maldives expressed his interest for his country to be part of the growing OISCA family. “The issue of Climate Change that triggers the problem of sea level rising affecting the countries located in the low lying area hence damaging our coral reefs, we felt the need of environmental conservation. There are so much that we can do and I am looking forward to cooperating with OISCA in the future”.


Angela Tayco presenting the activities of OISCA International among the dignitaries

Hon. Mr. Shigeru Ishiba telling about his experiences with OISCA.

Ambassador Gabriel J.K. Dusava CBE expressing his thoughts on how to improve further the activities of OISCA.